No matter how much we love our pets, there is no denying that they bring a lot of dirt with them into the house, on the furniture or carpets. Here are some basic carpet cleaning tips to help you dealing with your pets hair and dirt.

The first thing you need, to remove a hair from the carpet is a vacuum cleaner. It is a good idea to use a lint-brush attachment for your vacuum. This gadget first prises up and then sucks up short. If you have time you can use a rubber glove and moving across the carpet, the hair will clump together for easy removal.

In case you have to remove pet vomit you need to use a rubber glove to pick up the solid parts,  remove them with a paper towel or spatula. After that blot up as much of the liquid vomit as you can using paper towel or cloth. The next step is to use pet cleaning solution. Apply the solution directly to the stain and wait as long as the product’s instructions say. Rinse the carpet with cold water and blot with clean towel. However, do not use too much water, otherwise you can damage the floor under the carpet. Repeat the cleaning process until the stain is completely gone, or use a wet vac.

The most important thing you need to remember is to clean the mess up immediately.

However, you need to have your carpet professionally steam cleaned at least once every three or four months. Hiring a professional carpet cleaning London company you will extend the life of your favourite carpet or rug.